Sunday 1 September 2019

Ganesh Chaturthi/ Vinayaka Chaturthi/ Vinayaka Chavithi

The festival celebrates the Lord Ganesha as the God of New Beginnings and the Remover of Obstacles as well as the god of wisdom and intelligence. A Hindu festival of celebrating the birth of the Lord Ganesha. It falls in the month of August or September of the Gregorian calendar. The festival is celebrated with the installation of Ganesha clay idols in homes, or on elaborate pandals. Celebration of the festival include the chanting of Vedic hymns and prayers and vrata (fasting).

Offerings and prasadam (special sweet called as modaka which is favorite of Lord Ganesh) from the daily prayers, is distributed to the community.
The festival ends on the tenth day after start, and on this day the idol is carried in a public procession with music and group chanting, then the statue is immersed in a nearby body of water; thereafter the clay idol dissolves and Ganesha is believed to return to Mount Kailash to lord Parvati and Shiva.

The festival is celebrated throughout India.

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